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Ansys Fluent

Getting started with Ansys Fluent

If you have no previous experience with Ansys Fluent, we recommend that you first learn about the software on your own computer before trying it out on DelftBlue. You are also expected to have some background in fluid mechanics and Computational Fluid Dynamics. To get started with Fluent, for instance try the tutorials from Cornell University. You have to register but it is free of charge.

It is most efficient to do the tutorials locally, on your own desktop or laptop. Ansys Fluent can be downloaded from BrightSpace.

An example on DelftBlue

To show how a case can be run in the queue on DelftBlue, here is an example that simulates the 2D instationary, incompressible flow around a square cylinder. To download the input files to a folder on DelftBlue, type


Store the fluent parameters in a file to be read by fluent:

;Do you want to confirm file overwrite [yes] no
;Do you want to exit on error? [no]
;Do you want to hide questions? [no]
; Read case file
rcd cyl.cas.gz
; Initialize the solution
; /solve/initialize/initialize-flow
; Calculate 50 iterations
;it 10
; the following for time-dependent
; Number of physical time steps [1]
; Number of iterations per time step [10]

; Write data file
 wcd cyl.cas.gz
And here is the slurm jobscript:

#!/bin/bash -l
# use bash as shell
# the -l option is necessary to make the local enviroment equal to the login environment
# slurm commands start with #SBATCH
# all other stuff behind a # on the same line is comment 

#SBATCH -D ./                      # directory where the mpiexec command is ran
#SBATCH -J mytest                  # name of the job (can be changed to whichever name you like)
#SBATCH --get-user-env             # to set environment variables
#SBATCH -o output.log              # output file
#SBATCH -e output.log              # error file
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1GB                  # memory per node in megabytes
#SBATCH --time=0-00:10:00          # simulation time in d-hh:mm:ss
#SBATCH --nodes=1                       # number of nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2             # number of MPI processes on the node (^= cores to be used)
#SBATCH --account=innovation    # replace with your education/research/project account if applicable

# get the jobid for later reference
echo "myjobid = " $myjobid

# load modules
module load ansys/2021R2

if [ "$SLURM_PROCID" == "0" ]; then
# set up  hostfile containing the list of nodes/cores used
        scontrol show hostname $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST >  hostfile.txt
        fluent   2ddp -t$SLURM_NTASKS -rsh  -g  -i cylinder.script -cnf=hostfile.txt -pib.ofed
exit 0

The job is submitted by typing

sbatch cylinder.slurm


Fluent runs either on part of one node, or on a number of complete nodes. The number of nodes needs to be specified, just specifying the number of cores or tasks does not work, at least for fluent versions 2023 and lower.

When the job is finished, output will look something like this:

/apps/generic/ansys/2021R2/v212/fluent/fluent21.2.0/bin/fluent -r21.2.0 2ddp -pinfiniband -host -t4 -mpi=intel -cnf=hostfile.txt -path/apps/generic/ansys/2021R2/v212/fluent -cx
Starting /apps/generic/ansys/2021R2/v212/fluent/fluent21.2.0/lnamd64/2ddp_host/fluent.21.2.0 host -cx "(list (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/function) "fluent 2ddp -flux -node -r21.2.0 -t4 -pinfiniband -mpi=intel -cnf=hostfile.txt ") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/rhost) "") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/ruser) "") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/nprocs_string) "4") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/auto-spawn?) #t) (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/trace-level) 0) (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/remote-shell) 0) (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/path) "/apps/generic/ansys/2021R2/v212/fluent") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/hostsfile) "hostfile.txt") )"

              Welcome to ANSYS Fluent 2021 R2.1

              Copyright 1987-2021 ANSYS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
              Unauthorized use, distribution or duplication is prohibited.
              This product is subject to U.S. laws governing export and re-export.
              For full Legal Notice, see documentation.

Build Time: Aug 23 2021 10:52:28 EDT  Build Id: 10202  

     This is an academic version of ANSYS FLUENT. Usage of this product
     license is limited to the terms and conditions specified in your ANSYS
     license form, additional terms section.
Host spawning Node 0 on machine "cmp198" (unix).
/apps/generic/ansys/2021R2/v212/fluent/fluent21.2.0/bin/fluent -r21.2.0 2ddp -flux -node -t4 -pinfiniband -mpi=intel -cnf=hostfile.txt -mport
Starting /apps/generic/ansys/2021R2/v212/fluent/fluent21.2.0/multiport/mpi/lnamd64/intel/bin/mpirun -f /tmp/fluent-appfile.mpourquie.1853453 --rsh=rsh -genv I_MPI_FABRICS shm:ofa -genv I_MPI_FALLBACK_DEVICE disable -genv FLUENT_ARCH lnamd64 -genv I_MPI_DEBUG 0 -genv I_MPI_ADJUST_REDUCE 2 -genv I_MPI_ADJUST_ALLREDUCE 2 -genv I_MPI_ADJUST_BCAST 1 -genv I_MPI_ADJUST_BARRIER 2 -genv I_MPI_ADJUST_ALLGATHER 2 -genv I_MPI_ADJUST_GATHER 2 -genv I_MPI_ADJUST_ALLTOALL 1 -genv I_MPI_ADJUST_SCATTER 2 -genv I_MPI_ADJUST_SCATTERV 2 -genv I_MPI_ADJUST_ALLGATHERV 2 -genv I_MPI_ADJUST_GATHERV 2 -genv I_MPI_PLATFORM auto -genv PYTHONHOME /apps/generic/ansys/2021R2/v212/fluent/fluent21.2.0/../../commonfiles/CPython/3_7/linx64/Release/python -genv FLUENT_PROD_DIR /apps/generic/ansys/2021R2/v212/fluent/fluent21.2.0 -genv KMP_AFFINITY disabled -genv LD_PRELOAD /apps/generic/ansys/2021R2/v212/fluent/fluent21.2.0/multiport/mpi/lnamd64/intel/lib/ -genv TMI_CONFIG /apps/generic/ansys/2021R2/v212/fluent/fluent21.2.0/multiport/mpi/lnamd64/intel/etc/tmi.conf -machinefile /tmp/fluent-appfile.mpourquie.1853453 -np 4 /apps/generic/ansys/2021R2/v212/fluent/fluent21.2.0/lnamd64/2ddp_node/fluent_mpi.21.2.0 node -mpiw intel -pic infiniband -mport

ID    Hostname  Core  O.S.      PID      Vendor                      
n3    cmp198    4/48  Linux-64  1853626  Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248R 
n2    cmp198    3/48  Linux-64  1853624  Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248R 
n1    cmp198    2/48  Linux-64  1853623  Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248R 
n0*   cmp198    1/48  Linux-64  1853622  Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248R 
host  cmp198          Linux-64  1853079  Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248R 

MPI Option Selected: intel
Selected system interconnect: InfiniBand

Cleanup script file is /scratch/mpourquie/fluent/cylinder/example_cylinder/

Reading journal file script...

> /file/set-batch-options
Do you want to confirm file overwrite [yes] ;Do you want to confirm file overwrite [yes] no
Do you want to exit on error? [no] ;Do you want to exit on error? [no]
Do you want to hide questions? [no] ;Do you want to hide questions? [no]

> ; Read case file
rcd cyl.cas.gz
sched_setaffinity() call failed: Invalid argument
sched_setaffinity() call failed: Invalid argument
sched_setaffinity() call failed: Invalid argument
sched_setaffinity() call failed: Invalid argument

Multicore processors detected. Failed setting process affinity!

Reading "\"| gunzip -c \\\"cyl.cas.gz\\\"\""...

Buffering for file scan...

   24500 quadrilateral cells, zone  2, binary.
   24500 cell partition ids, zone  2, 4 partitions, binary.
     200 2D wall faces, zone  3, binary.
     180 2D symmetry faces, zone  4, binary.
     180 2D symmetry faces, zone  5, binary.
     150 2D pressure-outlet faces, zone  6, binary.
     150 2D velocity-inlet faces, zone  7, binary.
   48570 2D interior faces, zone  9, binary.
   24930 nodes, binary.
24930 node flags, binary.

    distributing mesh
        bandwidth reduction using Reverse Cuthill-McKee: 6104/72 = 84.7778

Reading "\"| gunzip -c \\\"cyl.dat.gz\\\"\""...

Parallel variables...

> ; Initialize the solution
; /solve/initialize/initialize-flow
; Calculate 50 iterations
;it 10
; the following for time-dependent
time step size (in [s]) [0.5] 0.5

> /solve/dual-time-iterate
Number of time steps [10] ; Number of physical time steps [1]
Maximum Number of iterations per time step [20] ; Number of iterations per time step [10]

Updating solution at time levels N and N-1.

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6040  1.0739e-02  4.9741e-05  4.0977e-05  0:00:00   20
  6041  4.4022e-01  4.6628e-04  6.8486e-04  0:00:01   19
  6042  1.3930e-01  2.7173e-04  5.6050e-04  0:00:01   18
  6043  8.6056e-02  1.8863e-04  4.6205e-04  0:00:01   17
  6044  9.8743e-02  1.4361e-04  3.7865e-04  0:00:01   16
  6045  9.1367e-02  1.2269e-04  3.1327e-04  0:00:01   15
  6046  7.9691e-02  1.1550e-04  2.6524e-04  0:00:01   14
  6047  6.8285e-02  1.1114e-04  2.2719e-04  0:00:00   13
  6048  5.8072e-02  1.0635e-04  1.9529e-04  0:00:00   12
  6049  4.9219e-02  1.0056e-04  1.6845e-04  0:00:00   11
  6050  4.2844e-02  9.4515e-05  1.4601e-04  0:00:00   10

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6051  3.5515e-02  8.8799e-05  1.2702e-04  0:00:00    9
  6052  3.1377e-02  8.2887e-05  1.1091e-04  0:00:00    8
  6053  2.6588e-02  7.7657e-05  9.7076e-05  0:00:00    7
  6054  2.3841e-02  7.2515e-05  8.5288e-05  0:00:00    6
  6055  2.1147e-02  6.7922e-05  7.5204e-05  0:00:00    5
  6056  1.8717e-02  6.3674e-05  6.6560e-05  0:00:00    4
  6057  1.6575e-02  5.9656e-05  5.9162e-05  0:00:00    3
  6058  1.4718e-02  5.5913e-05  5.2829e-05  0:00:00    2
  6059  1.3048e-02  5.2459e-05  4.7344e-05  0:00:00    1
  6060  1.1575e-02  4.9251e-05  4.2564e-05  0:00:00    0
  step  flow-time   flow-time        cl-1
   349  1.7450e+02  1.7450e+02 -1.1323e-01
Flow time = 174.5s, time step = 349
9 more time steps

Updating solution at time levels N and N-1.

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6060  1.1575e-02  4.9251e-05  4.2564e-05  0:00:00   20
  6061  4.3598e-01  4.5699e-04  6.7440e-04  0:00:00   19
  6062  1.3608e-01  2.6597e-04  5.5981e-04  0:00:00   18
  6063  8.4417e-02  1.8450e-04  4.6545e-04  0:00:00   17
  6064  9.7125e-02  1.4163e-04  3.8344e-04  0:00:00   16
  6065  8.8841e-02  1.2166e-04  3.1770e-04  0:00:00   15
  6066  7.7300e-02  1.1488e-04  2.6933e-04  0:00:00   14
  6067  6.6233e-02  1.1060e-04  2.3053e-04  0:00:00   13
  6068  5.6539e-02  1.0601e-04  1.9799e-04  0:00:00   12
  6069  4.8847e-02  1.0008e-04  1.7077e-04  0:00:00   11
  6070  4.2317e-02  9.3877e-05  1.4806e-04  0:00:00   10

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6071  3.7722e-02  8.7760e-05  1.2899e-04  0:00:00    9
  6072  3.2160e-02  8.2395e-05  1.1272e-04  0:00:00    8
  6073  2.8976e-02  7.7089e-05  9.8899e-05  0:00:00    7
  6074  2.4802e-02  7.2335e-05  8.7094e-05  0:00:00    6
  6075  2.1640e-02  6.7748e-05  7.7002e-05  0:00:00    5
  6076  1.8909e-02  6.3535e-05  6.8311e-05  0:00:00    4
  6077  1.6624e-02  5.9573e-05  6.0803e-05  0:00:00    3
  6078  1.4688e-02  5.5849e-05  5.4334e-05  0:00:00    2
  6079  1.3018e-02  5.2409e-05  4.8748e-05  0:00:00    1
  6080  1.1562e-02  4.9214e-05  4.3883e-05  0:00:00    0
  step  flow-time   flow-time        cl-1
   350  1.7500e+02  1.7500e+02  3.1922e-02
Flow time = 175s, time step = 350
8 more time steps

Updating solution at time levels N and N-1.

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6080  1.1562e-02  4.9214e-05  4.3883e-05  0:00:00   20
  6081  4.4185e-01  4.5858e-04  6.8464e-04  0:00:00   19
  6082  1.2791e-01  2.6735e-04  5.6624e-04  0:00:00   18
  6083  8.2804e-02  1.8546e-04  4.6757e-04  0:00:00   17
  6084  9.5362e-02  1.4250e-04  3.8519e-04  0:00:00   16
  6085  8.9028e-02  1.2337e-04  3.2039e-04  0:00:00   15
  6086  7.9127e-02  1.1644e-04  2.7221e-04  0:00:00   14
  6087  6.8841e-02  1.1247e-04  2.3369e-04  0:00:00   13
  6088  5.9340e-02  1.0792e-04  2.0124e-04  0:00:00   12
  6089  5.0837e-02  1.0262e-04  1.7380e-04  0:00:00   11
  6090  4.3325e-02  9.6699e-05  1.5075e-04  0:00:00   10

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6091  3.7069e-02  9.0813e-05  1.3130e-04  0:00:00    9
  6092  3.2496e-02  8.5030e-05  1.1485e-04  0:00:00    8
  6093  2.7319e-02  7.9698e-05  1.0069e-04  0:00:00    7
  6094  2.3495e-02  7.4607e-05  8.8578e-05  0:00:00    6
  6095  2.0556e-02  6.9789e-05  7.8164e-05  0:00:00    5
  6096  1.7928e-02  6.5274e-05  6.9262e-05  0:00:00    4
  6097  1.5700e-02  6.1163e-05  6.1604e-05  0:00:00    3
  6098  1.3841e-02  5.7403e-05  5.4960e-05  0:00:00    2
  6099  1.2273e-02  5.3915e-05  4.9187e-05  0:00:00    1
  6100  1.0876e-02  5.0676e-05  4.4176e-05  0:00:00    0
  step  flow-time   flow-time        cl-1
   351  1.7550e+02  1.7550e+02  1.6191e-01
Flow time = 175.5s, time step = 351
7 more time steps

Updating solution at time levels N and N-1.

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6100  1.0876e-02  5.0676e-05  4.4176e-05  0:00:00   20
  6101  4.5542e-01  4.6769e-04  6.9965e-04  0:00:00   19
  6102  1.4072e-01  2.7341e-04  5.7340e-04  0:00:00   18
  6103  8.8385e-02  1.8906e-04  4.7299e-04  0:00:00   17
  6104  9.9976e-02  1.4533e-04  3.8806e-04  0:00:00   16
  6105  9.2049e-02  1.2623e-04  3.2118e-04  0:00:00   15
  6106  8.0283e-02  1.1985e-04  2.7223e-04  0:00:00   14
  6107  6.9133e-02  1.1565e-04  2.3353e-04  0:00:00   13
  6108  5.9419e-02  1.1069e-04  2.0095e-04  0:00:00   12
  6109  5.0915e-02  1.0499e-04  1.7366e-04  0:00:00   11
  6110  4.3454e-02  9.8819e-05  1.5067e-04  0:00:00   10

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6111  3.7948e-02  9.2438e-05  1.3120e-04  0:00:00    9
  6112  3.1790e-02  8.6667e-05  1.1465e-04  0:00:00    8
  6113  2.8082e-02  8.1062e-05  1.0059e-04  0:00:00    7
  6114  2.4041e-02  7.6098e-05  8.8501e-05  0:00:00    6
  6115  2.1648e-02  7.1195e-05  7.8171e-05  0:00:00    5
  6116  1.8769e-02  6.6950e-05  6.9275e-05  0:00:00    4
  6117  1.6601e-02  6.2829e-05  6.1644e-05  0:00:00    3
  6118  1.5118e-02  5.8926e-05  5.5013e-05  0:00:00    2
  6119  1.3070e-02  5.5509e-05  4.9200e-05  0:00:00    1
  6120  1.1939e-02  5.2161e-05  4.4111e-05  0:00:00    0
  step  flow-time   flow-time        cl-1
   352  1.7600e+02  1.7600e+02  2.6300e-01
Flow time = 176s, time step = 352
6 more time steps

Updating solution at time levels N and N-1.

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6120  1.1939e-02  5.2161e-05  4.4111e-05  0:00:00   20
  6121  4.4689e-01  4.7034e-04  7.0297e-04  0:00:00   19
  6122  1.3970e-01  2.7854e-04  5.7244e-04  0:00:00   18
  6123  8.6271e-02  1.9628e-04  4.7097e-04  0:00:00   17
  6124  1.0076e-01  1.5210e-04  3.8747e-04  0:00:00   16
  6125  9.3483e-02  1.3107e-04  3.2142e-04  0:00:00   15
  6126  8.2226e-02  1.2382e-04  2.7283e-04  0:00:00   14
  6127  7.1180e-02  1.1907e-04  2.3421e-04  0:00:00   13
  6128  6.1250e-02  1.1356e-04  2.0175e-04  0:00:00   12
  6129  5.2593e-02  1.0711e-04  1.7407e-04  0:00:00   11
  6130  4.5016e-02  1.0050e-04  1.5085e-04  0:00:00   10

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6131  3.8660e-02  9.4037e-05  1.3131e-04  0:00:00    9
  6132  3.3540e-02  8.7940e-05  1.1473e-04  0:00:00    8
  6133  2.9912e-02  8.2179e-05  1.0057e-04  0:00:00    7
  6134  2.5372e-02  7.7136e-05  8.8308e-05  0:00:00    6
  6135  2.2416e-02  7.2153e-05  7.7813e-05  0:00:00    5
  6136  1.9025e-02  6.7753e-05  6.8744e-05  0:00:00    4
  6137  1.6906e-02  6.3428e-05  6.0988e-05  0:00:00    3
  6138  1.4444e-02  5.9658e-05  5.4299e-05  0:00:00    2
  6139  1.2953e-02  5.5969e-05  4.8580e-05  0:00:00    1
  6140  1.1192e-02  5.2689e-05  4.3591e-05  0:00:00    0
  step  flow-time   flow-time        cl-1
   353  1.7650e+02  1.7650e+02  3.3116e-01
Flow time = 176.5s, time step = 353
5 more time steps

Updating solution at time levels N and N-1.

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6140  1.1192e-02  5.2689e-05  4.3591e-05  0:00:00   20
  6141  4.5126e-01  4.7373e-04  7.0067e-04  0:00:00   19
  6142  1.4186e-01  2.8280e-04  5.7119e-04  0:00:00   18
  6143  9.0156e-02  1.9743e-04  4.6909e-04  0:00:00   17
  6144  1.0073e-01  1.5233e-04  3.8446e-04  0:00:00   16
  6145  9.2198e-02  1.3187e-04  3.1895e-04  0:00:00   15
  6146  8.0071e-02  1.2470e-04  2.7049e-04  0:00:00   14
  6147  6.9238e-02  1.1947e-04  2.3180e-04  0:00:00   13
  6148  5.8916e-02  1.1357e-04  1.9900e-04  0:00:00   12
  6149  5.0756e-02  1.0707e-04  1.7125e-04  0:00:00   11
  6150  4.3751e-02  1.0068e-04  1.4807e-04  0:00:00   10

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6151  3.8019e-02  9.4277e-05  1.2859e-04  0:00:00    9
  6152  3.4020e-02  8.7947e-05  1.1210e-04  0:00:00    8
  6153  2.9161e-02  8.2253e-05  9.8023e-05  0:00:00    7
  6154  2.6320e-02  7.6841e-05  8.6076e-05  0:00:00    6
  6155  2.2789e-02  7.1953e-05  7.5804e-05  0:00:00    5
  6156  2.0619e-02  6.7248e-05  6.7089e-05  0:00:00    4
  6157  1.8262e-02  6.3024e-05  5.9562e-05  0:00:00    3
  6158  1.6106e-02  5.9205e-05  5.3072e-05  0:00:00    2
  6159  1.4229e-02  5.5651e-05  4.7452e-05  0:00:00    1
  6160  1.2584e-02  5.2354e-05  4.2552e-05  0:00:00    0
  step  flow-time   flow-time        cl-1
   354  1.7700e+02  1.7700e+02  3.5418e-01
Flow time = 177s, time step = 354
4 more time steps

Updating solution at time levels N and N-1.

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6160  1.2584e-02  5.2354e-05  4.2552e-05  0:00:00   20
  6161  4.4181e-01  4.7689e-04  6.8947e-04  0:00:00   19
  6162  1.3635e-01  2.8400e-04  5.6274e-04  0:00:00   18
  6163  8.5765e-02  1.9929e-04  4.6276e-04  0:00:00   17
  6164  9.8687e-02  1.5344e-04  3.7968e-04  0:00:00   16
  6165  9.0865e-02  1.3131e-04  3.1360e-04  0:00:00   15
  6166  7.9235e-02  1.2300e-04  2.6559e-04  0:00:00   14
  6167  6.7841e-02  1.1768e-04  2.2763e-04  0:00:00   13
  6168  5.8054e-02  1.1220e-04  1.9594e-04  0:00:00   12
  6169  4.9769e-02  1.0567e-04  1.6926e-04  0:00:00   11
  6170  4.2583e-02  9.8786e-05  1.4686e-04  0:00:00   10

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6171  3.7057e-02  9.2081e-05  1.2804e-04  0:00:00    9
  6172  3.0790e-02  8.6124e-05  1.1193e-04  0:00:00    8
  6173  2.7107e-02  8.0319e-05  9.8277e-05  0:00:00    7
  6174  2.2963e-02  7.5116e-05  8.6536e-05  0:00:00    6
  6175  2.0585e-02  7.0183e-05  7.6453e-05  0:00:00    5
  6176  1.7630e-02  6.5807e-05  6.7703e-05  0:00:00    4
  6177  1.5974e-02  6.1642e-05  6.0135e-05  0:00:00    3
  6178  1.3750e-02  5.7855e-05  5.3492e-05  0:00:00    2
  6179  1.2465e-02  5.4273e-05  4.7688e-05  0:00:00    1
  6180  1.0775e-02  5.1001e-05  4.2611e-05  0:00:00    0
  step  flow-time   flow-time        cl-1
   355  1.7750e+02  1.7750e+02  3.2136e-01
Flow time = 177.5s, time step = 355
3 more time steps

Updating solution at time levels N and N-1.

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6180  1.0775e-02  5.1001e-05  4.2611e-05  0:00:00   20
  6181  4.3761e-01  4.7247e-04  6.8161e-04  0:00:00   19
  6182  1.3813e-01  2.7891e-04  5.6349e-04  0:00:00   18
  6183  8.6180e-02  1.9355e-04  4.6637e-04  0:00:00   17
  6184  9.7017e-02  1.4786e-04  3.8313e-04  0:00:00   16
  6185  8.9132e-02  1.2676e-04  3.1697e-04  0:00:00   15
  6186  7.8345e-02  1.1900e-04  2.6855e-04  0:00:00   14
  6187  6.7627e-02  1.1410e-04  2.2992e-04  0:00:00   13
  6188  5.8249e-02  1.0856e-04  1.9728e-04  0:00:00   12
  6189  5.0356e-02  1.0268e-04  1.6977e-04  0:00:00   11
  6190  4.3649e-02  9.6678e-05  1.4651e-04  0:00:00   10

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6191  3.7887e-02  9.0557e-05  1.2687e-04  0:00:00    9
  6192  3.3583e-02  8.4397e-05  1.1036e-04  0:00:00    8
  6193  2.8223e-02  7.8854e-05  9.6262e-05  0:00:00    7
  6194  2.4171e-02  7.3650e-05  8.4256e-05  0:00:00    6
  6195  2.1408e-02  6.8821e-05  7.4084e-05  0:00:00    5
  6196  1.8052e-02  6.4432e-05  6.5303e-05  0:00:00    4
  6197  1.5580e-02  6.0318e-05  5.7797e-05  0:00:00    3
  6198  1.3579e-02  5.6476e-05  5.1389e-05  0:00:00    2
  6199  1.1956e-02  5.2922e-05  4.5867e-05  0:00:00    1
  6200  1.0603e-02  4.9653e-05  4.1086e-05  0:00:00    0
  step  flow-time   flow-time        cl-1
   356  1.7800e+02  1.7800e+02  2.3147e-01
Flow time = 178s, time step = 356
2 more time steps

Updating solution at time levels N and N-1.

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6200  1.0603e-02  4.9653e-05  4.1086e-05  0:00:00   20
  6201  4.3902e-01  4.6484e-04  6.8444e-04  0:00:00   19
  6202  1.3988e-01  2.7045e-04  5.6075e-04  0:00:00   18
  6203  8.6002e-02  1.8732e-04  4.6176e-04  0:00:00   17
  6204  9.8770e-02  1.4281e-04  3.7814e-04  0:00:00   16
  6205  9.1282e-02  1.2259e-04  3.1285e-04  0:00:00   15
  6206  7.9524e-02  1.1520e-04  2.6503e-04  0:00:00   14
  6207  6.7943e-02  1.1105e-04  2.2720e-04  0:00:00   13
  6208  5.7669e-02  1.0634e-04  1.9546e-04  0:00:00   12
  6209  4.9105e-02  1.0065e-04  1.6875e-04  0:00:00   11
  6210  4.3105e-02  9.4628e-05  1.4642e-04  0:00:00   10

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6211  3.6039e-02  8.8903e-05  1.2741e-04  0:00:00    9
  6212  3.2003e-02  8.3165e-05  1.1123e-04  0:00:00    8
  6213  2.7160e-02  7.7910e-05  9.7335e-05  0:00:00    7
  6214  2.4314e-02  7.2869e-05  8.5494e-05  0:00:00    6
  6215  2.0867e-02  6.8229e-05  7.5330e-05  0:00:00    5
  6216  1.8850e-02  6.3822e-05  6.6721e-05  0:00:00    4
  6217  1.6231e-02  5.9805e-05  5.9381e-05  0:00:00    3
  6218  1.4628e-02  5.6045e-05  5.3039e-05  0:00:00    2
  6219  1.2613e-02  5.2636e-05  4.7546e-05  0:00:00    1
  6220  1.1363e-02  4.9423e-05  4.2746e-05  0:00:00    0
  step  flow-time   flow-time        cl-1
   357  1.7850e+02  1.7850e+02  9.9051e-02
Flow time = 178.5s, time step = 357
1 more time step

Updating solution at time levels N and N-1.

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6220  1.1363e-02  4.9423e-05  4.2746e-05  0:00:00   20
  6221  4.3709e-01  4.5743e-04  6.7428e-04  0:00:00   19
  6222  1.3609e-01  2.6571e-04  5.6060e-04  0:00:00   18
  6223  8.5103e-02  1.8499e-04  4.6684e-04  0:00:00   17
  6224  9.7094e-02  1.4185e-04  3.8421e-04  0:00:00   16
  6225  8.8804e-02  1.2161e-04  3.1836e-04  0:00:00   15
  6226  7.7200e-02  1.1493e-04  2.6953e-04  0:00:00   14
  6227  6.6175e-02  1.1068e-04  2.3081e-04  0:00:00   13
  6228  5.8730e-02  1.0552e-04  1.9844e-04  0:00:00   12
  6229  4.9693e-02  1.0006e-04  1.7116e-04  0:00:00   11
  6230  4.4315e-02  9.3947e-05  1.4839e-04  0:00:00   10

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity     time/iter
  6231  3.8599e-02  8.8141e-05  1.2925e-04  0:00:00    9
  6232  3.2502e-02  8.2764e-05  1.1291e-04  0:00:00    8
  6233  2.9164e-02  7.7347e-05  9.9054e-05  0:00:00    7
  6234  2.4849e-02  7.2511e-05  8.7200e-05  0:00:00    6
  6235  2.1666e-02  6.7810e-05  7.7073e-05  0:00:00    5
  6236  1.9532e-02  6.3446e-05  6.8439e-05  0:00:00    4
  6237  1.6722e-02  5.9643e-05  6.0998e-05  0:00:00    3
  6238  1.5135e-02  5.5910e-05  5.4581e-05  0:00:00    2
  6239  1.3085e-02  5.2621e-05  4.8983e-05  0:00:00    1
  6240  1.1894e-02  4.9366e-05  4.4067e-05  0:00:00    0
  step  flow-time   flow-time        cl-1
   358  1.7900e+02  1.7900e+02 -4.6862e-02
Flow time = 179s, time step = 358

adjoint/                mesh/                   report/
define/                 parallel/               server/
display/                plot/                   solve/
exit                    preferences/            surface/
file/                   print-license-usage     views/

> ; Write data file
 wcd cyl.cas.gz

Writing "| gzip -2cfv > \"cyl.cas.gz\""...

   24500 quadrilateral cells, zone  2, binary.
   24500 cell partition ids, zone  2, 4 partitions, binary.
     200 2D wall faces, zone  3, binary.
     180 2D symmetry faces, zone  4, binary.
     180 2D symmetry faces, zone  5, binary.
     150 2D pressure-outlet faces, zone  6, binary.
     150 2D velocity-inlet faces, zone  7, binary.
   48570 2D interior faces, zone  9, binary.
   24930 nodes, binary.
   24930 node flags, binary.

Writing "| gzip -2cfv > \"cyl.dat.gz\""...


> ; Exit FLUENT

You can see that several actions are taken:

  • the case and data file are read;
  • a number of time-steps is taken, for each time-step a number of iterations are performed;
  • at the end of the job, case and data are written.

Some rules of thumb for memory (RAM) and core usage

  • fluent uses between 2-5GB of total RAM per million grid points. Take this into account when you determine how much RAM your job needs.
  • fluent may run faster on more cores, but note that when you calculate on more nodes the cores also need to communicate more with each other. You will note that when you keep increasing the number of cores, after a certain amount of cores the model hardly goes faster; it may even become slower if the communication costs start to dominate! It is recommended to have at least between 50.000 and 100.000 grid points per core (it depends on the kind of solver) so that the communication costs do not dominate over the calculation costs. It is recommended to try out (for instance) using 1 core, 2cores, 4 cores etc and then see how many cores still make sense. The result may look like this:













As you see in the table, going from 8 to 16 cores hardly makes a difference in time. To avoid longer queueing and wasting resources, pick the "sweet spot" you find in such a scaling experiment for your production runs (i.e., 8 cores in this example).

Working interactively

If you have to work with the graphical frontend, you can do so on the visual nodes of DelftBlue. Follow these instructions to start an interactive session with graphics support.