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Transfer Data


DelftBlue has limited disk space, both in your /home directory and on the scratch disk (/scratch). In order to move large files to and from the machine, you should use a file transfer job. In your transfer job script, you can use the command-line tools described below as you wish. The data transfer nodes have a dedicated and fast connection to the central TU Delft storage, so using a file transfer job will dramatically speed up moving large files.

Command line tools

Note for Windows users

Windows 10 supports the ssh and scp commands in the Command Prompt out-of-the-box. You do not necessarily need to install any third-party software.


The simplest way to transfer your files to and from DelftBlue is to use the scp command, which has the following basic syntax:

scp -p ${source} ${target}

For example, to transfer a file from your computer to DelftBlue:

user@laptop:~$ scp -p mylocalfile <netid>

To transfer a folder (recursively) from your computer to DelftBlue:

user@laptop:~$ scp -pr mylocalfolder <netid>

To transfer a file from DelftBlue to your computer:

user@laptop:~$ scp -p <netid> ./

To transfer a folder from DelftBlue to your computer:

user@laptop:~$ scp -pr <netid> ./

The above commands will work from either the university network, or when using EduVPN. If a "jump" via linux-bastion is needed, modify the above commands by replacing scp with scp -J <netid> and keep the rest of the command as before.

Note for students

Please use instead of as an intermediate server!


A more powerful alternative to scp is a command rsync. rsync does not just blindly copy files, but instead synchronizes the source with the destination, only copying the files and folders that were modified, preserving all other attributes (such as file modes and timestamps).

The basic syntax is similar to scp, with additional possible arguments:

rsync -av ${source} ${target}

In this example, the -av flags instruct the command to be verbose (-v), i.e. show explicitly what it is doing, and to use the "archive" mode (-a), i.e. archive whole folders, only copying modified files while preserving file attributes.


Some file/folder permissions might not be compatible with project drives, e.g. on staff-umbrella, due to the fact that these are based on Windows file system access control. If you get rsync: failed to set permissions error when e.g. rsync'ing to your project drive, please use the --no-perms flag, e.g.:

rsync -av --no-perms ${source} ${target-on-network-drive}


It is also possible to "mount" DelftBlue folders to your own Linux computer. For this, you will need to do the following (assuming, you are either inside of the university network, or connected via eduVPN).

  1. Create a local folder, which will work as DelftBlue mounting point:

    mkdir ~/delftbluefolders
  2. Mount the remote folder:

    sshfs <NetID><NetID> ~/delftbluefolders
  3. To unmount:

    fusermount -u ~/delftbluefolders
  4. It is also possible to do this without being inside of the university network (eduVPN). For this, you will need to set a local port forwarding via linux-bastion, and then sshfs via this port, for example:

    1. Open one terminal window and set local port forwarding:

      ssh -J <NetID> <NetID> -L 3333:localhost:22
    2. Keep the first terminal window open, and launch another terminal. In the second terminal, mount your folder:

      sshfs -p 3333 <NetID>@localhost:/scratch/<NetID> ~/delftbluefolders

Graphical tools

Windows users

For easy file transfer, a graphical SFTP client might be a good idea (e.g. WinSCP or FileZilla).

A convenient all-in-one solution is a free SSH/SFTP Bitvise SSH Client. It combines a terminal and a SFTP file manager:


MobaXterm is another (often used) all-in-one solution. The SFTP file manager is shown on the left panel:



Beware that most of the above software will need direct access (either from the university network, or via EduVPN).

Linux users

Most default Linux file managers support SFTP out of the box. Just put sftp://<netid> in the address bar:



Beware that most of the above software will need direct access (either from the university network, or via EduVPN).

Open OnDemand web-interface

Alternatively, a Web interface called "Open OnDemand" is available via internet browser:

Note: Microsoft Edge might give "Unauthorized" error:


Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome seem to be working fine:


Home directory as seen via Open OnDemand:


To transfer files to/from DelftBlue, please use the "Upload" and "Download" buttons at the top right corner of the screen:


Folder locations

By default, the following drives/folders are available from DelftBlue:

  • DelftBlue home directory: /home/<netid>


    The hard space quota on your /home directory is limited to 30.0 GB! After exceeding this amount, you will not be able to write any new files in the home directory, which includes files generated by already running jobs.

  • DelftBlue scratch disk: /scratch/<netid>


    The /scratch disk will be periodically purged (all data older than a certain age will be deleted automatically)! Make sure to copy your data to your home directory or your project drive as soon as your job has finished!

  • TU Delft network shares: /


    Only available on the login and file transfer nodes, not the worker nodes!!!

    [<netid>@login02]$ ls -l
    total 104
    drwxr-xr-x   12 root root  4096 Mar 16 15:16 staff-bulk
    drwxr-xr-x   13 root root  4096 Mar 16 15:16 staff-groups
    drwxr-xr-x   28 root root  4096 Mar 17 11:18 staff-homes
    drwxr-xr-x   28 root root  4096 Mar 17 11:18 staff-homes-linux
    drwxr-xr-x 1674 root root 65536 Mar 17 11:18 staff-umbrella
    drwxr-xr-x   12 root root  4096 Mar 17 11:18 student-groups
    drwxr-xr-x   28 root root  4096 Mar 17 11:18 student-homes
    drwxr-xr-x   28 root root  4096 Mar 17 11:18 student-homes-linux

    These correspond to the most of the available TU Delft data storage solutions.

    You can copy files directly to/from your network shares.


    Please note: the TU Delft shares use a so-called Kerberos ticket for authentication. When you do not have a valid ticket (i.e. no ticket or an expired ticket), you will receive a Permission denied. A Kerberos ticket is automatically created for you when you log in using your password (but not when you log in using an SSH key!), and when you run the kinit command (and provide your NetID password). A Kerberos ticket has a limited lifetime of 10 hours, after which it expires. You can renew your Kerberos ticket at any time, via the same kinit command.

For instance, the following Network drives are available:

Windows network drive

In order to access your Windows TU Delft network drive, you have to navigate to:


where "x" is the first letter of your lastname, and <netid> is your account name. For example, if your name is "John Smith" and your username is "jsmith", your Windows home directory will be in the following location:



These folders are not available (ls will return an empty list) until you access them, for example by changing your current working directory to the folder:

cd /

This corresponds to the H: drive on your TU Delft Windows laptop/desktop:


Linux network drive

Same as above, just navigate to:


Group network drive

To access your group's network drive (data storage for departments), use the following location:


This corresponds to the M: drive on your TU Delft Windows laptop/desktop:


For example, the group NA (Numerical Analysis), which is part of diam (Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics), which is part of ewi (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science) has the folder called Shared for members of the group to use:


Bulk data network drive

To access the Bulk data network drive, use the following location:


This corresponds to the N: drive on your TU Delft Windows laptop/desktop:


Project data

Finally, the most important network drive is staff-umbrella, which corresponds to "Project data". This is designed to store the research data. Your allocation for Project data drive can be requested here.

To access the Project data network drive, use the following location:


This corresponds to the U: drive on your TU Delft Windows laptop/desktop:



We encourage you to use the Project drive as the main "permanent" storage solution for the data handled on DelftBlue.

File transfer nodes


The file transfer nodes are not fully configured yet! The recipe below should work in principle, but might not work just yet!!!

DelftBlue has two dedicated data transfer nodes that enable high speed connection between DelftBlue and TU Delft storage. These nodes are assigned to the partition trans (data transfer) and should be used for transferring huge amounts of data:

[<netid>@login01 ~]$ sinfo
compute*     up   infinite    226   idle cmp[001-218]
gpu          up   infinite     10   idle gpu[001-010]
memory       up   infinite     10   idle mem[001-010]
trans        up   infinite      2   idle file[01-02]
visual       up   infinite      2   idle visual[01-02]

In order to use them, you have to make a data transfer job and submit it to the Slurm queue. Let's say, I want to move a folder called big_data_folder from my /<my-project-name> Project network drive to my scratch directory on DelftBlue. For this, I need the following submission script (I call this

#SBATCH --job-name="js_data"
#SBATCH --partition=trans
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1

rsync -av --no-perms /<my-project-name>/big_data_folder /scratch/<netid>/ 

Please note that in the syntax above, the big_data_folder itself will be copied (synchronized) to /scratch/<netid>. If I want to copy (synchronize) only the contents (files and subfolders within) of the big_data_folder, I need to add another / at the end of the source path:

#SBATCH --job-name="js_data"
#SBATCH --partition=trans
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1

rsync -av --no-perms /<my-project-name>/big_data_folder/ /scratch/<netid>/local_copy_of_big_data_folder/

Please make sure to use absolute paths of directories (you can find one using the pwd -P command).

Now let's submit a data transfer job:

[<netid>@login01 ~]$ sbatch

The job is now in the queue:

[<netid>@login01 ~]$ squeue --me
  991     trans  js_data     jsmith   R    0:06      1            file01

And when the job is finished, I have my big_data_folder directory in the DelftBlue /scratch/<netid> directory.


  1. / drives are only accessible from login and data transfer nodes, not the worker nodes.
  2. You can use the above rsync syntax interactively from a login node to copy relatively small amounts of data. If you are transferring more than 10 GB of data, please use the transfer node.

Large data sets

Please check the corresponding section of the Wiki.

Sometimes, you can can see error messages along the following lines:

OSError: [Errno 122] Disk quota exceeded

Option 1: Your own /home or /scratch is full

Check the message that appears when you login (you can also invoke this message by executing the command exec bash). You should see something like this:

      user/group     ||           size          ||    chunk files
     name     |  id  ||    used    |    hard    ||  used   |  hard
      NetID   |XXXXXX||    7.50 GiB|    5.00 TiB||   193605|  1000000

Quota information for storage pool home (ID: 2):

      user/group     ||           size          ||    chunk files
     name     |  id  ||    used    |    hard    ||  used   |  hard
      NetID   |XXXXXX||    4.81 GiB|    8.00 GiB||    67344|  1000000

If any of these parameters (size, number of files) is exceeded for either /home or /scratch, you should clean up.

Option 2: Default /tmp folder is full

If this is the case, create your own tmp in /scratch and export the TMPDIR variable to point to that folder:

mkdir /scratch/$USER/tmp
export TMPDIR=/scratch/$USER/tmp

How do I know how much data I have?

There are two important metrics here, the total amount of data (e.g. in gigabytes), and the total number of files.

To check the amount of data, you can use the du command. For example, if I want to see how much data is in each file and sub-folder of the current folder, I use the following command:

du -h | sort -h
This command will list all files and sub-folders and their size, and will sort it from low to high, something similar to this:

$ du -h | sort -h

5.5K    gnuplot
7.5K    julia
313K    coarrays
455K    matlab
637K    firedrake
699K    jupyterlab
6.8M    oxDNA_2.4_RJUNE2019.tgz
44M     oxDNA
53M     tensorflow
267M    singularity
558M    ansys
761M    nvfortran
951M    garnet
1.2G    apptainer_examples
3.1G    turbostream
4.3G    cplex
13G     fluent
25G     .

To check the number of files in all of these folders, I can use, for example, the following command:

$ du -h --inodes | sort -h

89K     .