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Phase 2 hardware is available

Phase 2 hardware has been installed and is available to use for everyone! Here is how you use it:

  • New (Phase 2) compute nodes (64 "Sapphire Rapid" CPUs per node) can be requested with #SBATCH --partition=compute-p2. The old (Phase 1) compute nodes are now called compute-p1, and they remain available with the alias compute for backward-compatibility.
  • New (Phase 2) GPU nodes (4x A100 cards per node) can be requested with #SBATCH --partition=gpu-a100. The old (Phase 1) GPU nodes are now called gpu-v100, and they remain available with the alias gpu for backward-compatibility.

Intel OneAPI module has been updated following the update to Infiniband drivers

Following the update to Infiniband drivers, the intel/oneapi-all module was updated to the version 2022.3. If your MPI application was compiled with Intel compilers, you might want to recompile it to make sure it works correctly.

For the time being, there are two modules, the old one and the new one:


Please note: after the maintenance weekend 17-18 December 2022, the "old" intel/oneapi-all will be removed, and the "new" intel/oneapi-all_2022.3 will be renamed into intel/oneapi-all.